Hi 🖐 I'm Miriam,
a web-developer from the Netherlands and an eclectic electronic music practitioner.
In 2015 I made a website for my music. It became a hobby and around 2020 I decided to develop my skills to a
higher level, did some courses and I'm working as a freelance webdeveloper & designer since 2021.
At the moment I really like developing with Static Site Generators like Jekyll and Hugo via Gitlab, Github etc.
Ofcourse I can also develop in Wordpress, Shopify, Wix etc.
Wassenaar 2022
Benefit Squatter’s Legal Defense Fund.
Help organize party & line up.
Webdesign: static files.
Redesign of the website. Implemented in a GitHub environment, for the owner to easily maintain the content by themselves. Static Site Generator (SSG) Hugo.
Web development, implemented in a GitHub environment, for the owner to maintain the content by themselves. With SSG.